Healthy School Lunch Ideas To Try This Year


Making healthy school lunches is easier than ever with our mix-and-match approach! Try one of these easy packed lunch ideas...

1. Yogurt & Granola Parfait

Pack yogurt (regular or dairy-free!), granola, energy bites & fresh berries or fruit!

2. Turkey Roll-Ups

Wrap turkey slices around cheese or veggies. Pack with fresh veggies + fruit + chips or crackers

3. Pasta Salad

Pack our kid-friendly pasta salad along with fresh fruit + veggies + animal crackers or something crunchy!

4. Protein Yogurt Box

Pack our easy protein yogurt fruit dip with fresh berries, apple slices, and graham crackers for dipping!

5. Hummus Dipping Box

Pack hummus with pita bread + pretzels + fresh veggies for dipping. Then add a little fresh fruit!


get 5 more days of lunches + our formula for healthy packed lunches to create your own combinations!

Get all 10 ideas + our printable cheat sheet: